2106 Umamu Estate Cabernet Franc
Have you ever had a moment, an epiphany, an AH HA! moment? Here's the story of Umamu Estate!
It started with the Parents of current owner Charmaine Saw who were at their favourite restaurant and ordering their favourite wine (an overseas fancy French one)... Out Of Stock... Whoever the Somm was on that fateful night changed the course of their life by selected the perfect wine to accompany their food. A local Chardonnay from the Margaret River. the Result - It blew them away and enticed them to visit the region again and again and again until their passion finally prevailed and they purchased a vineyard in 1997.
This is why we love wine and by tasting this Umamu Cabernet Franc you are tasting a passion in wine, a dedication triggered by a single moment of the right wine served in the right place, to the right people at the right time.
Feel like Cabernet Sauvignon is a bit heavy for the moment? Go with its light sibling Cabernet Franc. A slighlty more medium body but still with blackcurrant, cherry and other dark fruit notes, mild tannins, and firm texture this is a nice one to have if you aren't ready for something that will blow your head off!
Wouldn't put this away as long as the Cabernet Sauvignon, drink anytime from now until 2029 maybe longer.
Tasting video can be viewed right here!