Amphitheatre Shiraz Blaufrankisch 2023
Sometimes it's all about who you know. Mt Bera has done us a solid by releasing this to us before its released onto the market! Its the best vintage yet and they have quite rightly they have upped the retail price from $35 to $45 a bottle.
Blaufrankisch?? Never heard of it!
Blaufränkisch is grape which is new to most Aussies. Super popular in Austra, Czech and Germany and known for its deep colour, spicy flavours and Tannins. Remind you of something? Very similar to an Aussie shiraz makes it a perfect combination and works an absolute treat!
Think spicy, peppery notes and tobacco and coffee, with dark fruit like mulberries and black cherries. Sometimes going to some different grape varietals can pay huge dividends and this one is one of those where we are super excited. As wine rater Ken Gargett said about this one... "Theres a lot to like here"
This 2023 vintage is obviously young. It can be drunk early but it also has potential to improve with age. Over the next five to six years, the wine will continue to and evolve revealing more layers of flavour and complexity.
Given this is a pre release there are no scores or reviews but take our word for it, this is something to hold off until you have friends over and introduce them to something new!